WOW Architecture [2009-04-12

  • Take care of Yourself

    Sophie Calle rose to challenge an ex's breakup email suggestion to "take care of yourself" by asking 107 professional women to analyze and interpret the email's content.Sophie Calle April 9 — May 22 at Paula Cooper Gallery …

  • Piet Hein Eek

    Crafty Piet Hein Eek …

  • Elad Lassry

    Closes April 19 at The Whitney …

  • Galleria Massimo de Carlo

    Massimo De Carlo is one of the most authoritative and interesting art dealers on the Italian scene. His gallery represents contemporary art superstar artists, such as Maurizio Cattelan, Rudolf Stingel, Piotr Uklanski and extraordiary artists such as Carsten Holler, Tino Sehgal, Armin Linke. While the attention is on Milan's Design…

  • Space-Based Storm Control

    California solar energy firm — SolarEn — hopes soon to construct "orbiting solar farms" that will harvest electricity in space. Each "farm" would be "a set of solar panels in outer space that would beam enough clean energy back to Earth to power half a million homes and could one day potentially help save the planet.Read more BLDG…

  • Richard Tuttle

    Gallery Pace Wildenstein till April 25th …

  • Xavier Veilhan's studio

    The Selby …

  • Unité d'habitation (Cité Radieuse) Marseille by Le Corbusier

    Renovated units of Le Corbusier “Cité Radieuse" -translates: Radiant City- in Marseille, south of France. They recently built a hotel within the “low income housing” built in 1947 and still in use today. Hotel Le Corbusier …

  • Arnulf Rainer, Dieter Roth MIXING AND SEPARATING

    Arnulf Rainer, Austrian painter, is internationally renowned for his abstract informal art. Rainers style evolved towards Destruction of Forms, with blackenings, overpaintings and maskings of illustrations and photographs, dominating his later work. He was close to the Vienna Actionism, featuring body art and painting under drug i…

  • Minory Takeyama

    Hotel Beverly Tom1973 hokkaido, japan.Niban-Kan,1970 Commercial Facility,Shinjuku-ku,TokyoUnderground Mall 1990,Shinjukufound at Rolu …

  • Apartamento/Reference LIbrary collaboration

    Reference Library is going to Milan for Apartamento MagazineApartamento Mag and Reference Library …

  • Olafur Eliasson: Starbrick

    Eliasson's work, which has moved between art and architecture, this is his very first industrial design productfound at Abitare …

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