Storia di un grado zero.
'story of a grade zero' 1956-1963, artists Dadamaino and Piero Manzoni, first installment of the new italian art of the 60's and 70's at P420. (see part 2 and 3 below). …
Gruppo T: Miriorama
Giovanni ANCESCHI, Davide BORIANI, Gianni COLOMBO, Gabriele DEVECCHI, Grazia VARISCO,part 2 of the series on Italian avant guarde of the 60's and 70's at P 420. (See part 3 below). …
Antonio Scaccabarozzi
In Bologna, two young gallery owners, discover (and save) the Italian avant-garde of the '60s and '70s. The 3rd installment, till jan 8 '11, takes on Antonio Scaccabarozzi , 1965-2008, pure and solitary, who exhibited in the 70s across the Alps with his friends Antonio Calderara, Gianni Colombo, Dadamaino, Francois Morellet, struc…